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Use of Information


The use of the information contained on this server implies your acceptance of the following conditions of use

CUBADRIVER has created this website to facilitate access to official tourist information primarily for users and potential foreign tourists. The data contained here comes from a variety of sources, and CUBADRIVER makes this material available to users as an end-user license. Therefore, any commercial use of this right of access is prohibited.

The use of this information is authorized provided that the source is quoted: “Source: Web server of the Tourist Information Office, ONIT , ““. However, copying or reproduction of data using any electronic media (networks, databases, or electronic publications), which make this information available to multiple users without prior written consent from the Tourist Information Office, is prohibited.

Quality of the information: The data and other materials appearing on this server have been included according to strict quality control procedures. However, CUBADRIVER will not be held responsible for the content of this server. In particular, CUBADRIVER does not undertake to update content immediately. The data contained here should not be considered official. Only those data that appear in printed publications by the Tourist Information Office, ONIT, or that have been expressly certified by ONIT-controlled services should be considered official. The prices of products and services appearing on the website may not be correct.

CUBADRIVER will not be held liable for any damages incurred by the user deriving from the access to the server or from the use of any information or applications it contains.

The unrestricted consultation, free of charge, of this information is permitted. However, copying and distributing pages, even if the source is cited, and manipulating or altering contents, or using them directly for commercial ends, is expressly prohibited.

This website does not provide any kind of recommendation or advice regarding tourist products or services, nor of any other type.

The use of certain services offered on this site is also governed by the particular conditions specified in each case, which may substitute, complete and/or modify these Conditions of Use. Therefore, before using these services, the User must carefully read the special conditions applying, which will be deemed as having been accepted merely by the use of the services.

The display, printing, and partial downloading of content from the website are authorized solely and exclusively under the following conditions:

  1. That it is compatible with the aims of the website.
  2. That it is done for the sole purpose of obtaining the information contained therein for personal and private use. Its use for commercial ends or distribution, public communication, transformation or decompilation is expressly prohibited. However, the publication of the content on any platform or its use, distribution, or inclusion in other contexts available to third parties may be authorized by CUBADRIVER.
  3. That none of the content relating to this website be modified in any way whatsoever.

CUBADRIVER reserves the right to modify and update the information contained on its website, and the configuration, presentation, and conditions of access, at any time and without prior notice.

No graphics, icon, video, or image available on this website may be used, copied, or distributed separately from the text or other images accompanying it.

CUBADRIVER does not guarantee that access to the website will be free from interruptions or errors in content, nor that it will be updated, although it will make every effort to avoid, repair, and update such interruptions and errors when necessary.

Intellectual and industrial property conditions of use and access to the website: The services offered on the website are, in the main, and unless stated otherwise, free of charge. Access

Intellectual and industrial property 

Conditions of use and access to the website

The services offered on the website are, in the main, and unless stated otherwise, free of charge.

Access to the services supplied through the website does not generally require prior subscription or registration by the Users; without prejudice to the fact that access to certain services will require Users to register first.

The User guarantees that the information supplied when registering for the services requiring User Registration is true and authentic, and is obliged to keep this information updated. In all cases, the User is solely responsible for providing false or erroneous statements and for the damage this may cause CUBADRIVER or third parties.

The User agrees to use the content and services available through the website in accordance with these General Conditions and the Specific Conditions established for certain services, and also in accordance with that specified by the Law, moral conduct, good customs, and public order.

The User undertakes to respect the intellectual property rights of CUBADRIVER and third parties, and to this end, will refrain from reproducing, copying, distributing, broadcasting or any other form of public communication, transforming, or modifying the content, unless authorized by the owner of these rights, or it is legally permitted to do so.

The User cannot use the data obtained from the website to make electronic, publicity, promotion, or commercial communications without prior consent from those affected.

Minors using the Services must obtain prior permission from their parents, guardians, or legal representatives, who will be held responsible for any actions made by minors under their charge. Full responsibility for deciding the specific content and services that minors can access lies with the adults responsible for them. As it is possible for minors to access unsuitable information over the Internet, Users are informed that there are devices, mainly computer programs for filtering and blocking information, and which limit what content is available; although they are not infallible, they are particularly useful for controlling and restricting material that minors may access.

Rights granted to CUBADRIVER by the User

When uploading or publishing a file on the website, the user is granting

To the benefit of TURESPAÑA, a worldwide licence, non-exclusive, exempt  from royalties, transferable (with right to a sublicence) to use,  reproduce, distribute, carry out work deriving from this, display and  execute the User File in relation to providing services, and with the  operation of the website and CUBADRIVER’s activities, including unlimited  capacity to promote and redistribute all or part of the website (and  work deriving from this) in any format and through any channel of  communication.

To the benefit of each website  user, a worldwide licence, non-exclusive and exempt from royalties, to  access the User’s Files through the website, and to use, reproduce,  distribute, carry out work deriving from these, display and execute  these User file as far as the operating capacity of the website permits,  and in accordance with these Terms and Conditions. 

Obligations for the correct use of the website, services and content 

The User undertakes to use the website and services in accordance with  the law, these Conditions of Use, the Special Conditions for certain  services, and other notices, rules of use and instructions of which he  or she is made aware, and in accordance with moral standards, generally  accepted decent behaviour and public order.

To  this effect, the User will refrain from using any services for illicit  purposes, prohibited under these Conditions of Use, harmful to the  rights and interests of third parties, or that in any form may damage,  render useless, overload or prevent normal use of services, computer  equipment or documents and files and any type of content saved to any IT  equipment at CUBADRIVER or other Internet Users (hardware and software).

In  particular, and including but not limited to the following, the User  undertakes not to transmit, disseminate or make available to third  parties information, data, content, sound and/or image files, software  and, in general, any type of material that:

In  any way opposes, denigrates or impugns the fundamental rights and public  liberties recognized in the constitution, international treaties or  remaining legislation.

Induces, incites or  promotes actions that are criminal, derogatory, defamatory or, generally  contrary to law, moral standards, generally accepted good habits or  public order; or discriminatory actions, attitudes and thoughts on  grounds of sex, race, religion, beliefs, age or status.

Is  false, ambiguous, incorrect, exaggerated or inappropriate, with the  result that it induces, or may induce, errors on the subject or the  intentions and purposes of the communicator.

Is  protected by any intellectual property rights belonging to third  parties, without the User having obtained prior authorization from the  owners which is required in order to effect the use, or desired use.

That in any way discredits CUBADRIVER or third parties.

Consists of either illegal, deceptive or unfair publicity, and in general, constitutes unfair competition.

Whose characteristics cause disruption to the normal operation of the service.

Furthermore,  the User undertakes to use the content provided to the website Users,  by which is understood, and by way of example only, texts, photographs,  graphic design, images, icons, technology, software, links and  audiovisual or audio content, in addition to graphic design and source  codes (hereinafter the “Contents”), in accordance with the law, these  Conditions of Use, the Special Conditions for certain Services and other  notices, rules of use and instructions made known to Users, and in  accordance with moral standards and generally accepted good habits and  public order.

CUBADRIVER will monitor the User  Files published on the website to ensure they comply with these  Conditions of Use, and reserves the right to remove any User File from  the Facebook website. 

For the use made by Users of the website

CUBADRIVER has neither the obligation nor the ability to control the use made of the website, its services and its contents by the users. 

More  specifically, CUBADRIVER does not guarantee that Users will use these  contents in accordance with these Conditions of Use or any Special  Conditions, notices, rules of use and instructions that may be applicable, nor that they will do so in a lawful and appropriate   fashion, and excludes any liability for loss or damage of any kind that may arise from the unlawful, incorrect, inappropriate or inadequate use  that Users may make of the website, its services and content.

Furthermore,  CUBADRIVER does not guarantee that the website can be used in privacy  and safety, and in particular, that unauthorized third parties are  unable to obtain information on the type, conditions, characteristics  and circumstances of use made by Users of the website, and therefore  will not be held responsible for loss or damage of any type that may  arise from such unauthorized access.

If any of  these conditions were to be declared illegal, invalid or inapplicable  due to a law in the State in which these conditions are applied, they  will be considered void (to the extent and under the jurisdiction that  these conditions become illegal, invalid or inapplicable); nevertheless,  the remaining terms and conditions will continue in force and remain  binding and enforceable.

For all the pages on this site Copyright © 2023. CUBADRIVER.

Technical  support. Any query or comment on the content of this survey should be  addressed to the CUBADRIVER TEAM 

Contact Telephone: +1 3088883131

This  license for use is governed by Spanish law regardless of the user’s situation in law. Any dispute that may arise in the interpretation of  this agreement will be resolved by the Spanish courts.

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